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Strengthening Employer Compliance

Strengthening Employer Compliance

The Migration Amendment (Strengthening Employer Compliance) Act 2024 (“the Act”) will commence operation on 1 July 2024.

Some of the changes provided by the Act include:

  • Repealing section 235 of the Migration Act 1958 (Cth), which currently provides that is an offence for a visa holder to breach work-related visa conditions or for an unlawful non-citizen to perform work in Australia.
  • New penalties (including criminal liability) for employers who force or exert undue pressure on temporary visa holders to breach their work-related visa conditions.
  • Preventing certain sanctioned employers from employing new temporary visa holders and making their names publicly known.
  • Measures to strengthen the penalties framework for work related infringements (such as significant increases to civil penalties).

For all things immigration, feel free to contact us or phone (03 9063 3340).


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